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Adventures in Imaging and Photography


(808) 445-9850


Why aren’t B-Squared Images rates published?

B-Squared Images provides its customers a tailored experience, which may vary from customer to customer; one customer’s requirements may cost more or less than another customer.   Unlike “brick-and-mortar” studios, with more consistent pricing, B-Squared Images offers more flexibility and personalized service.  With brick-and-mortar studios, there is little or no prep time, preset lights, a finite number of backgrounds and settings, and their staff photographers coach their clients in a standard reputare of poses; therefore, their prices are traditionally much lower.  Most often, customers are provided with photographs that look the same as other clients…  Kind of like most hamburgers look and taste the same at McDonalds…  Inexpensive and consistent!


Our pricing is reflective of the needs of our customers; therefore, if you’re interested in using us, you’ll have to contact us and tell us what you’d like to achieve in a shoot.  After all of your requirements are gathered, a fixed-price quote will provided to you.

What goes into a quote?  Lots of things…  Prep-time, permits (if required), travel, hair and makeup, wardrobe or specialized wardrobe (if required), shoot time, and editing – just to name a few.  And yes, you can scale down your quote if you can provide some of these elements yourself.   Call or contact us today for a quote!  You’ll find that my quotes very competitive my style and experience level.  


Will B-Squared Images edit my images?

Yes, unless directed otherwise, B-Squared Images will always edit your images to provide the best possible version of your likeness.  Typically, we take care of common problems such as acne, blotchy skin, and bumps, rolls, and bulges.  Got a scar that you want removed or tattoo that you’re ashamed of?  No problem, we can brush those off if requested.

With our specialized tools and the talent of our staff, we can do more advanced editing like changing hair or eye color, or digitally applying makeup.   We can also use body-sculpting techniques to provide you with a slimmer version of yourself.

Can I order prints?

While prints can be ordered through us, we primarily provide our customers with digital images.  In our digital age, most of our customers appreciate this because they can readily share their images with friends and family or post them to social media.  Each of our images are accompanied with a license to display and print as many copies as they desire.

Will B-Squared Images do commissioned projects?

Yes.  Absolutely!  Got an idea to for a project?  We’ll be happy to assist you…  Call or contact us today for a quote.   For commissioned projects, we require a 70% deposit 3 weeks prior to execution of the project to cover hard costs; the remainder or balance payable at the completion of the project.

Can I bring a friend to my shoot?

Yes, Absolutely!   For your safety and comfort, you may bring a friend of relative.  However, these conditions may limited for bigger projects involving multiple models.  Usually, if the other models have no objections, they can attend.  The only other condition is that your companion should not interfere with the shoot or take pictures with their mobile phones.  Usually, with larger projects involving multiple models and project staff, it is unnecessary to have a companion.

Can I take selfies during my shoot?

Yes…  So as long as your pictures don’t include other models or staff and your activity does not interfere with the shoot or preparation for the shoot, such as hair and makeup.

Can B-Squared Images edit or enhance my old photographs?

Yes…  So as long as you own the image or licensed by the owner to modify it.  We will edit or enhance it.

Can B-Squared Images digitally restore my old or damaged photographs?

Yes…  Pricing is dependent to the extent of the damage or complexity of work.  Contact us for a quote.

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